Are you considering applying to graduate or professional school? Many online resources exist to help you get started. In addition, make an appointment with your Career Consultant today to discuss your ideas and questions.
Get ready for graduate school with this Pitt workshop series
Thinking about taking your education to the next level? Pitt’s Office of the Provost is offering seven monthly workshops to help prospective professional and graduate students plan and prepare for …
Launched in 2020, the program provides a tuition scholarship to Pitt students and alumni seeking to continue their education. Earn up to $7,500 off your tuition by applying to one of the University’s 100-plus participating post-graduate programs; when you’re accepted, you’ll …
Embarking on your journey to graduate school involves creating a Curriculum Vitae (CV) that stands out. While a CV can be quite similar to a resume in some aspects, for graduate school applications, it serves a very different purpose. Unlike …
Not sure where to start when it comes to writing a PhD personal statement? We have put together a helpful article packed full of advice for writing your PhD personal statement (or cover letter), so you can approach the task …
From Top 10 Rules and Pitfalls // Purdue Writing Lab
Personal Statement: Top 10 Rules and Pitfalls
Strive for depth rather than breadth. Narrow focus to one or two key themes, ideas or experiences