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Prospective Students
Upon graduating in fall of 2021, Matt Biederman had it all. The mechanical engineering major had done a slew of internships and had secured multiple full-time job offers. The only issue – he couldn’t decide which offer to accept. To solve …
For Stephanie Manasterski, Earth is just a starting point. Manasterski, a senior studying mechanical engineering and physics, is aiming for the stars – literally.
As a sophomore, Manasterski already knew that working as an aerospace engineer for SpaceX was her dream …
Marcus Edelstein has been chronically unhappy with his internships. Edelstein, a spring 2022 graduate who studied statistics, worked at Tucker Green Consulting, Inc. during the pandemic summer of 2020 and enjoyed the internship, but was disappointed that it was an …
None of Chandler Byers’ college career has been simple. Byers, a junior studying politics and philosophy, is the first member of his family to attend a four-year university. His mother has a two-year associate degree in dental hygiene and his …
When current-senior Max Phillips first transferred to Pitt in the fall of 2020, he had an identity crisis. Phillips had spent a year and a half attending the University of Scranton and studying computer science before taking a two-and-a-half-year break …